Wieland's Structured Wiring Saves Time for New Holland Park School

Wieland's Metalynx structured wiring systems have helped to deliver significant time-savings in the installation of lighting and small power at the new Holland Park School in West London.

Originally built in the 1950s, Holland Park was one of the UK's first comprehensive schools. However the original site comprised a number of separate buildings, all of which were showing the results of age. It was therefore decided to build a new, single building facility which was completed in October 2012.

Selected by Shepherd Engineering Services, the Wieland structured wiring system comprises Metalynx Main Distribution Boxes (MDBs) connected to all lighting control modules and small power. Secondary cabling uses Wieland's gesis system, which combined power and DALI control cabling.

With over 2,500 fittings to be connected the speed of connection was a vital element in optimising the contractor' time on site and making maximum use of skilled operatives. Experience on many projects has shown that time-savings from using structured wiring systems are typically in the region of 70% when compared to traditional connection methods.

Derek Joiner of Shepherd Engineering Services commented: "In a large project like this it makes perfect sense to use structured wiring as it means we can make best use of our time on site and maximise productivity. The Wieland system proved very easy to use and they were very supportive throughout the project."

The combination of Metalynx and gesis at Holland Park provided 'plug and play' functionality, so that the connections could simply be plugged in. All of the connectors were colour coding to minimise the risk of errors.